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Finger Sieve

Finger Sieve 

It belongs to the vibrating screen group and is used to separate the organic fraction in separation facilities. Thanks to the finger extensions from which it takes its name, it cleans packages such as nylon and paper by shaking them and is used to obtain more efficient organic fractions. 

Machine screens and vibration system are designed with different features. Screen system as well as options such as spring group and oscillating element; There are options depending on the type of waste such as grid, honeycomb, polyurethane square. 

  GPE 1600-2000 GPE 2500-3000
Capacity 15-25 t/hour  30-40 t/hour
Length 5 mt  5 mt – 7 mt
Sieving Area  8 – 10 m2  12,5 – 15 m2
Engine Power  11-15 kW  18-22 kW
